How to ask "What do you think?" in Slovak; How to ask "Would they live well?" in Slovak; Past Tense of some Irregular verbs in Slovak; BONUS 3; S6 E24
Today we look at the third group of slightly irregular verbs: žiť, piť, šiť, priať (si), smiať sa (laugh). You will also learn how to ask “What do you think?” and “Would they live well?” in Slovak.
Episode notes
Today we look at the third group of slightly irregular verbs. For example: žiť (to live), piť (to drink), šiť (to saw), priať (si) (to wish for), smiať sa (laugh), and so on. Then you will practice them in short sentences. You will also learn how to ask “What do you think?” and “Would they live well?” in Slovak.
Slovak lesson
1. The Past Tense of the Verb žiť (to live)
žil som / žila som (I lived) žili sme (we lived)
žil si / žila si(you lived) žili ste(you lived)
žil / žila / žilo (he, she, it lived) žili (they lived)
4. The Past Tense of the Irregular Verb jesť (to eat)
jedol som / jedla som (I ate) jedli sme(we ate)
jedol si / jedla si(you ate) jedli ste (you ate)
jedol / jedla / jedlo (he, she, it ate) jedli (they ate)
7. The Past Tense of the Verb zasmiať sa (to laugh)
zasmial som sa / - a som sa (I laughed) zasmiali sme sa (we laughed)
zasmial si sa / - la si sa (you laughed) zasmiali ste sa (you laughed)
zasmial sa / - la sa / - lo sa (he, she, it laughed) zasmiali sa (they laughed)
Short sentences:
1. Ujo Fero mal dobrý život. (Uncle Fero had a good life.)
2. Žil si ako veľký pán. (He lived like a great gentleman.)
3. Jedol iba panské jedlá a pil tie najlepšie vína. (He ate only fancy food and drank the best wines.
4. Ujo Fero nebol pán, ale veľmi šikovný krajčír. (Uncle Fero was not a lord, but a very skilled tailor.)
5. Šil pre pánov, ale aj pre dámy. (He sewed for gentlemen, but also for ladies.)
6. Šil pre veľkých, ale aj pre malých. (He sewed for the big ones, but also for the little ones.)
7. Ujo Fero bol dobrý človek a vždy dobré robil. (Uncle Fero was a good man and always did good.)
8. Vraj, len jedno zlé urobil, že sa neoženil. (Apparently, the only thing he did wrong was that he didn't get married.)
9. Ujo Fero si prial dobrú manželku a dobré deti. (Uncle Fero wished for a good wife and good children.)
10. Dobre by si žili a veselo sa smiali. (They would live well and laugh happily.)
11. Čo si myslíte, žili by si dobre? (What do you think, would they live well?)
00:36 Introduction to the episode
02:44 Slovak lesson
21:34 Slovak sentences
22:35 Slovak sentences with English translation
25:29 Final thoughts
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